27 May 2021, 18:17 | BELSAT Belsat.eu lists the names of those whose deaths are linked to the suppression of the post-election protests in Belarus. There are at least 15 names on this sad list. Aliaksandr Taraikouski, 34, a participant Read more…
27 May 2021, 18:17 | BELSAT Belsat.eu lists the names of those whose deaths are linked to the suppression of the post-election protests in Belarus. There are at least 15 names on this sad list. Aliaksandr Taraikouski, 34, a participant Read more…
How and why the authorities concealed the truth about the Chernobyl nuclear power plant 26 April 2021, 08:00 | Adarya Hushtyn, TUT.BY In February 1986, Mikhail Gorbachev announced the policy of openness and transparency (glasnost). Two months later, there was Read more…
We talked to those who were recently released from these facilities 8 April 2021, 11:03 | TUT.BY Recently, there have been reports of deteriorating detention conditions in the temporary detention facilities on Akrestsina Street in Minsk and in Zhodzina. We Read more…
Security officers broke into the New Life church and kicked the churchgoers out 20 February 2021 | Voice of Belarus On 17 February 2021 in Minsk, court bailiffs together with the police came to the New Life protestant church to Read more…
Parents discuss the arrest of schoolchildren on the streets of Minsk 2 February 2021 | Rebenok.by On 31 January, people were again arrested in big numbers in Minsk. Many of them say that they have not participated in any rallies. Read more…