21 março 2021 | Deutsche Welle Ales Bialiatski, chefe do Centro de Direitos Humanos de Minsk Viasna (Primavera), disse ao DW que o nível de repressão em Belarus é absurdo e explicou como o Ocidente pode ajudar os prisioneiros políticos Read more…
21 março 2021 | Deutsche Welle Ales Bialiatski, chefe do Centro de Direitos Humanos de Minsk Viasna (Primavera), disse ao DW que o nível de repressão em Belarus é absurdo e explicou como o Ocidente pode ajudar os prisioneiros políticos Read more…
Three sisters from Vitsebsk on protests, being in prison, and changes 16 March 2021 | Tatsiana Karavenkava, NAVINY.BY The Tsiarentsieu sisters are girls with an active civic stance. All three were repeatedly arrested after the presidential elections and received both Read more…
Entrevista com Pavel Latushka sobre a pressão econômica sobre o regime 1 março 2021 | ZUBR Sobre os fundos de investimento europeus e a economia de Belarus Algumas palavras sobre a situação econômica de nosso país. Belarus encontra-se em um Read more…
Muay Thai champion and paramedic Anastasiya Kalashnikava spoke about the arrest and going on trial for flowers 27 January 2021 | Nadzeya Filipchyk, BY.Tribuna.com For several years now, Anastasiya Kalashnikava, a native of Minsk, has been combining work as a Read more…
25 December 2020, 15:59 | Aliaxei Znatkevich, Radio Svaboda David Kramer, a researcher at the International University of Florida and a former Assistant Secretary of State in the George W. Bush administration, was interviewed by Radio Svaboda. He explained how Read more…
What Volha Khizhynkova shared after her release 20 December 2020, 14:51 | Aliaksandra Kvitkevich, SPORT.TUT.BY On 20 December, Volha Khizhynkova was released after 42 days of imprisonment. She had been detained on 8 November and tried on three counts of Read more…
17 December 2020, 17:03 | NN.by Art director of the Belarus Free Theatre and executive director of Creative Politics Hub Nicolai Khalezin was among those who actively lobbied for the EU sanctions list against Lukashenko’s supporters. Khalezin is disappointed with Read more…
A frank conversation with her adviser, Franak Viachorka 11 December 2020 | Maria Mialiokhina, KYKY Would Tsikhanouskaya run in the new presidential election? How are the relations with the official Russia developing and why has the correspondence with Lukashenko’s administration Read more…
Maria Kalesnikava responded to Current Time’s questions in a letter from the pre-trial detention center 25 November 2020, 23:19 | Irina Romaliiskaya, Current Time Irina Romaliiskaya, a journalist of the 24-hour Russian-language television and digital news network Current Time, was Read more…