Colonel's address

12 August 2020

I, a retired Colonel of the Internal Military Forces Zavadsky Vasili Ivanovich, turn to you, men in uniform. 

Our country, our Belarusian people are going through a turning point in history. People are tired of constant lies, of lawlessness, of humiliation. They loudly and clearly state that they want to be treated as human beings. People got tired of fear and overcame it. 

We, men in uniform, are a part of the Belarusian nation. A special part. We have sworn to serve the people loyally and faithfully, protect them from lawlessness, from external and internal threats. To protect the people – not the criminals in power. 

We know full well that both during the election period and today the absolute majority of citizens act within the limits of the law. It is the people in power who are breaking the law, the members of election commissions, police officers, and the military.  

No acts of heroism, no extraordinary actions were required of the ruling clique. They only had to conduct the elections according with the law. But they have turned this event, a common occurrence for any normal state, into military action. Military action against the people of the Republic of Belarus!

Today the decrepit regime is trying to use us to achieve its primary goal: remaining in power at all costs. We are all reasonable people and we understand well, that even if the regime manages to hold these days, it will soon break down under the strain of economic and social problems. It is obvious that the regime has lost all support of the society. 

Under these conditions, I call upon the men in uniform to disobey the unlawful orders and abstain from forcing them onto your subordinates. To everyone who recognises “honor” and “dignity” as more than simply words, I suggest submitting a discharge request citing any reasons you find personally acceptable. Members of the police and military who quit today or in the near future and who haven’t stained themselves with crimes against civilians can be sure that under the new government those willing to return to the force will be reinstated with good career prospects. 

I want to make a special appeal to the officers, the leaders at all levels. Be an example to your subordinates – show respect for the law, honor, and dignity. 

The policemen and military personnel who will fight against peaceful protesters will stain their and their families’ integrity and can be dishonorably discharged, as well as prosecuted. 

The choice is clear and simple. The choice is ours. Let us show calmness, wisdom, and bravery. Let us act according to the law and our conscience.
